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Drugs, Nicotine and Alcohol

Some of the most common illicit drugs that are used by young adults include alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine. Prescription drugs are also severely being abused and are one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. Peer pressure, curiosity, depression, and rebellion are a few causes in which teens are looking to drugs for a solution.

Drinking alcohol is, unfortunately, one of the most significant substances abused. Drinking occasionally is one thing, but it affects the user severely when it becomes a habit. Although it is illegal to purchase alcohol as a minor, individuals constantly seek ways to obtain such substances successfully. 

Many teenagers experiment with drugs. Experimentation happens with many things in life. However, experimenting with harmful substances can lead to harmful situations. Experimentation doesn’t always lead to addiction, but it always could. Bringing awareness to drug safety will caution those who want to experiment and allow them to understand the risks and consequences. 

If you know someone who abuses substances, please contact a trusted adult and explain your concerns about them and their safety. Drugs can be laced, which can cause severe injury or death. Addiction can also lead to lifelong issues and destroy lives. Because minors cannot obtain substances legally, they often opt for more sketchy and illegal options, which are almost never safe and highly dangerous. 

Drug use in high school continues to skyrocket. With this, bringing awareness and alternatives to experimentation and usage is extremely important. By doing so, you may save innocent lives.

About the Author: Kadence Davies