LED Light Therapy

Treat the Cellular Level

Light therapy is a remarkable treatment with a wide range of applications.  Specific wavelengths of light have been found to directly affect our bodies at a cellular level. Now that’s deep.  The most common light therapies are blue, red, or near-infrared lights either alone or in combination. 

The therapeutic range of light is measured by its wavelength.  The longer the wavelength, the deeper the penetration through the skin.  Different cell and tissue types respond more enthusiastically to a specific wavelength range.  Treatments generally last 15-30 minutes.  For optimal treatment results, a light session is recommended 3-5 days a week for the first month, and 2-3 times a week for the following 1-3 months.

Blue Light therapy- most often used to treat skin conditions.  Its shorter wavelength means it can only treat what the light reaches on top of or just below the skin surface.  It can be used to prevent skin cancer and to treat visible precancerous and cancerous skin lesions. Most effective when used with Photofrin or Levulan.  Improves skin texture.  Reduces acne, sebaceous hyperplasia, and enlarged oil glands.  Used to treat depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).    Wavelength range 400-525 nm.

Red Light therapy- boosts blood flow to tissues, improves skin texture and tone, increases the production of collagen, reduces inflammation.  It’s used to treat wrinkles, scars, hair loss.   Reduces muscle aches and pains, and pain from osteoarthritis.  Prevents recurring cold sores. Supports wound healing and tissue repair.  Stimulates healing of wounds like diabetic foot ulcers. Reduces psoriasis and eczema lesions. Prevents oral mucositis during cancer treatment.  Wavelength range 620-700nm

Near-infrared therapy (NIR)- stimulate the mitochondria function, which can increase metabolism, improve tissue repair, and reduce inflammation. NIR has the ability to penetrate approximately 1.5 inches beneath the skin. Wavelength range 700-1100nm