
Elijah Sanford-Wilson

Elijah Sanford-Wilson is the newest member of the Revitalize Health & Wellness team. Elijah was born and raised in Michigan but decided to move to Oregon after spending a year playing college basketball in Portland during the 2021 season. Elijah loves the Pacific Northwest and all that it has to offer.

Some of his favorite things about Oregon are the mountains, rivers, and forests. He loves to travel and see new places. Thanks to his college basketball career he has been able to travel to almost all 50 states.

After facing multiple injuries throughout his basketball career, Elijah became interested in learning how to heal and take care of the body naturally and healthy. He graduated college in 2023 with his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in Marketing and is currently enrolled in a Master’s Program in Accounting.

Elijah’s passions include traveling, fishing, basketball, music, and technology. He is very excited to be a part of the team and continue to learn how to help himself and others in their naturopathic journey.