Nutrition & Diet

Food matters!

Don’t let anyone try and convince you otherwise.  It’s time to start making Healthy Choices! While a healthy diet alone will not cure cancer, it goes a long way to help build-up your immune system and support healthy tissue repair. For most people, the SAD, Standard American Diet, is the daily fare.  Unfortunately, it is largely nutrient deficient. 

You must stop immediately eating, or limit, the following food types- processed foods, fast foods, high fat foods, and sugary foods. Your body needs a break from foods that do not offer you optimal health support.  You’re going to shift as fast as possible to a whole food, nutrition dominant, style of eating that is high in vegetables and fruits, lean organic meats, fish, chicken, turkey, and other healthier protein choices in this category. Healthy fats support recovery. You must reduce saturated fats and again avoid or greatly limit sugar.

Sugar*- The debate on whether sugar supports cancer growth continues in the US.  But sugar is definitely not supportive of your recovery.  According to the American Heart Association a woman can only healthfully process 24 grams or 6 tsp of sugar per day (4g = 1tsp), men 9 tsp or 36 grams.  Most people blow these limits at breakfast.  You’ll want to avoid all added sugar and refined carbs as much as possible, it’s not helpful to you at this time.  We will discuss this in further detail at one of your clinic visits.

*Sugar- wean off slowly if you are a heavy sugar eater or you will go through sugar withdrawals. They can be miserable.

Vegetables- they are your friends.  Eating a variety of vegetables daily is one of the best first steps to improving your health. Vegetables help alkalize the body.  Cancer prefers acidic tissue.  Increase intake to a minimum of 4 cups mixed veggies per day.  Raw and cooked.  Raw preserves the water-soluble vitamins and plant nutrients.  Cooking destroys the previously mentioned nutrients but releases minerals that aren’t always available in the raw form. Check out the Environmental Working Groups website  (link to their site- for their guide to the Dirty Dozen/Clean fifteen fruits and vegetables.  You will also find info on their website about other product additives put in soaps, shampoos, make-up etc., that harm our bodies.

Cancer Diets- KETO diet, Gershon Therapy, Budwig Protocol, Mediterranean Diet, Breuss Diet, Macrobiotic.  Some are helpful, others fall short.  Together we’ll create a plan you can stick with.

Alcohol- it’s taboo for now.  Especially, while undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy. If you drink alcohol on a regular basis or in excess we will help wean you off and offer options to support liver health.  Alcohol depletes nutrients you need to make your body healthy.  For example, alcohol depletes Vit A, Vit C, Vit D, Vit E, Vit K, B1, B3, B6, Magnesium, potassium and zinc.  All rather important wouldn’t you agree?

Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling

Treating any disease responsibly requires treating the “whole person.” Something as seemingly simple as the food we eat can impact our health within a week. You may not even be aware that the food you eat is contributing to poor health. Lack of sleep and exercise absolutely increase the risk for cancer. Stress decreases immune function within days. We’ll talk and identify areas that need improvement to strengthen your ability to fight disease.  We start with simple changes to strengthen your body’s immune system and ability to heal and build from there.