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Chocolate, Zits, and Your Health

My mother used to say that too much chocolate will give me zits! “UGH!” I would proclaim. “But I LOVE chocolate!”

In recent decades there have been studies to see if that is indeed true. Does cocoa cause zits?

The short answer is NO! The long answer is that diet does play a key role. Then add stress, hormones, genetics, and age…Voila! You could be a top candidate for ZITS!

Back in the day, it was believed by most that sugary foods cause acne. Only recently have scientists agreed that it is a combination of various factors. Sugar is just one of them.  So, let’s take a look at my favorite sugary item… chocolate. 

  • Dark chocolate contains antioxidants: flavonols, polyphenols, and catechins that research shows are beneficial to your skin and overall health.  Antioxidants reduce and prevent oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress speeds signs of aging.
  • Dark chocolate is medicinal at a 72% cocoa content.  Yummy and healthy!  It contains minerals and fiber to add to your regiment of healthy foods. 
    •  3.5 oz of dark chocolate contains 230 mg of magnesium, 3.35 mg of zinc, and 12 mg of iron, 11g of fiber. It also contains copper, manganese, selenium, and phosphorus all necessary for a healthy body.
  • 70-85 percent chocolate still contains sugar and can be high in fat, so eat it in moderate amounts. One study recommended 20-30g per day.
  • Milk chocolate is 10-40% cocoa, semi-sweet is around 55%.  Although they are delicious, they are not so nutritious, consume with caution.

If you have acne the treatments vary.  Your daily home regimen is important but so is care under a skilled guided hand. If you have extreme acne- nearly all your face is broken out and perhaps your back too, it is best to be under the care of a physician that can prescribe medicines and offer advanced modalities.  If you have simple to moderate acne an experienced aesthetician can be a big help. 

Our office offers both physician and aesthetic care.  Come in and try an acne prevention facial and blue light/red light therapy.  These two treatments alone will go a long way in helping to get the break-out under control.  Many of our all-natural, wildcrafted, and organic products used in the clinic are available for take-home as well.  Until then, enjoy some delicious dark chocolate. 

Here’s to your health!