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EASY AS ONE, TWO, THREE: Morning Routine: About Face

The day I turned twenty-one I remember thinking, “gosh, in nine years I’ll be thirty.” Immediately I put a plan into action to preserve my skin to the best of my ability without going broke doing it. First, know this. Your skin is the largest organ in your body.  So, what you eat, drink, and put onto your skin matters. At the time, I lived in Southern California and I drove myself to Beverly Hills once per month for my facials and started a daily program to keep my skin in shape.

 Here are three tips to implement every morning.

  1. Drink a big glass of water first thing in the AM to help “flush” your body of waste products from its nighttime repair tasks. Then aim to sip a half glass of water (~4oz) twice per hour up to about 8 cups per day. There are so many ways to make drinking water enjoyable- add fresh herbs, lemon, or other various seasonal favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs.  Your skin will love you for it.  Now that SPRING IS COMING here are a few recipes for an Infused water of the season. You will find all are tasty and enjoyable and quick and easy to make with only two ingredients each. Let these delightful combinations sit in freshwater for just a couple of hours or infuse the night before and refrigerate. Cheers!
    1. Fresh pear slices and cinnamon sticks. 
    2. Fresh green apple slices and sprigs of rosemary. 
    3. Fresh orange slices and Star Anise.
  2. Clean up with a homemade cucumber wash. Cucumbers are extremely hydrating, which makes them perfect ingredients for a DIY skincare remedy. There are lots of benefits to having well-hydrated skin. If you have time to make your own wash, great.  If not, I have carefully chosen products to make your life easier. Try Shankara-Purifying Cleanser.  Toners are an extremely helpful step after cleansing to improve hydration and remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin plumped and glowing. I recommend Jadience Jade and Burdock Purifying Toner.  My clients tell me it makes their skin feel fresh and alive. 
  3. Next, Shankara-Rich Moisturizer for normal to dry skin or Jadience Herbal Formulas-Herb and Burdock for troubled skin or more oily skin types. Typically, sunscreen is in your moisturizer but if not…DON’T FORGET TO WEAR SUNSCREEN!  Your future self will thank you.
  4.  OOPS, there are four! Top it off with our newest product, Jadience- Jade & Ginseng Hydrating Mist!

 You will be amazed at the improvement in your skin by making a few changes to your skin care program. Try it! 

                                                                           All … About Face!