Delicious Omega-3 Packed Smoothie - Revitalize Health and Wellness

Delicious Omega-3 Packed Smoothie is here to delight the senses while providing you with much needed nutrients. Revitalize your health.
Type: Beverage
Cuisine: American
Keywords: Smoothie, Omega-3
Recipe Yield: 6 cups
Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 0 Minutes
Total Time: 15 Minutes
Recipe Ingredients:
- 2 ½ Cup Raw Spinach, loosely packed
- 1/2 Cup Raw Kale leaves, loosely packed
- 1 Cup Orange Juice*
- 1 Frozen Banana, sliced
- 3/4 - 1 Cup Frozen Blueberries
- 2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
- 1 Tbsp Walnuts
- 1 Tbsp Cacao, Carob or Cocoa Powder
- 1/2 Tbsp Ground Flaxseed
Recipe Instructions:
- Put orange juice* in blender or food processor
- Add vegetables and fruit and blend until liquid (10-20 seconds)
- Add the other ingredients and blend on high speed for 20-45 seconds. Stir and blend again until smooth. Can be served with a spoon or add a little more liquid of choice to thin.
- Notes- *Instead of orange juice, you can substitute coconut water or non-dairy milk of choice. Experiment! It's all good 🙂 serves 2