Kristie Ritchey smiling senior 3 - Revitalize Health and Wellness

Keeping a positive attitude protects your memory as you age!

991 middle-aged and older adults participated in a study done over 3 decades, 1995-2014, that showed people who made it their goal to feel enthusiastic and cheerful had remarkedly less memory decline as they aged.  Factors taken into account included age, gender, education, depression, negative affect, and extraversion. Make it your mission to smile, laugh, and find all sorts of joy in life.  Your brain will thank you. 

Hittner EF, Stephens JE, Turiano NA, Gerstorf D, Lachman ME, Haase CM. Positive Affect Is Associated With Less Memory Decline: Evidence From a 9-Year Longitudinal Study. Psychological Science. 2020;31(11):1386-1395.

About the Author: Dr. Kris Ritchey