Broccoli punches cancer blog - Revitalize Health and Wellness

Natural Medicine Cancer Therapies

Three short words changed your life forever, “you have cancer.”  Shock and disbelief carried you through those first few unbelievable days, weeks, or beyond.  No doubt, you started spending long hours searching the internet for treatments.  Well-intentioned family and friends sent you intriguing cancer therapies.  Oncologists urged chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation as first-line options.  Didn’t take long before you started feeling confused and overwhelmed with time-sensitive therapy decisions.  

What you need right now is someone to help you understand therapies beyond or in concert with traditional oncology treatments.  That is exactly what you’ll find at our clinic.   We will guide you through seasoned and leading-edge natural treatment options.  We’ll present you with therapy pros and cons based on your unique case, and we’ll listen to your thoughts, concerns, and goals.  

We have a deep understanding of what you and your family are going through.  Every member of our team has personally been touched by cancer in some way, and our hearts reach out to yours.  Helping you restore your health is our top priority. 

The beginning of this handout is your initial treatment plan, followed by brief introductions/ explanations of the many natural treatment options used by us, specific to your cancer. Therapies such as IV therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, nutrition counseling, body/mind medicine, supplements, and herbs have proven clinically helpful for many patients. 

There are many options to support your immune system to help it fight the cancer cells, help control side effects from the therapies you may be on, and that are anti-cancerous themselves.  We also have to take into consideration other health issues you may have.  The following are front-line therapies and lifestyle recommendations that have been shown to work well.  I cannot stress enough how important the dietary changes are.  We will add or subtract the therapies in 30-45 days.  

  • IV therapy- High dose Vitamin C IV (Requires G6PD lab test) is an indicated treatment. 
  • Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)- We start you on 1.5mg daily, one hour before bed and then slowly over a few weeks raise the dose to 4.5mg.  Raising the dose too quickly may result in strange vivid dreams. Cannot be utilized if you are on any opioids.  If you decide to add this medication, the prescription is called in to Specialty Compounding Pharmacy in Wilsonville (503) 303-7111.  They will arrange delivery (mail).  

NOTE- always take supplements in divided doses to avoid overworking your liver.  Do not take antioxidants during radiation treatment (glutathione, ALA, Vit C, Vit E, selenium, CoQ10).

30-45 day supplement protocol– then we may switch up the selections.

    • Mind-Body Medicine- purge, forgive, grateful journals.  Laughter. (See descriptions below)
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Rectal Ozone therapy.
  • Diet- Lymphoma, lung, breast, prostate, hematologic, and all GI cancers are quite sugar sensitive.  Good health starts in the gut!  Limit or avoid added sugar and refined foods.  Increase low-carb vegetable intake to include a wide variety of veggies. (See descriptions below).  We will discuss this further at a follow-up visit.  
  • Exercise- get a minimum of 30 minutes 4-5 times per week.  This will help clean out your lymph (immune) system.  Movement only needs to be brisk, not strenuous.
  • With your permission I will set you up on Fullscript and Wellevate (Emerson Ecologics) online pharmacy, with a 10% discount to cover any shipping charge, so you can purchase physician grade supplements.  They will send you an invitational email along with a temporary password.  Please email me if you have any difficulties logging in.
  • During radiation therapy avoid the following: alpha-lipoic acid, cinnamon, CoQ10, copper, glutathione, green tea extract, iron, manganese, mint, Vit C below 20g, Vit E.  AVOID SUGAR (and simple carbs) during radiation, it can be tumor cell-protective.  The exception is ½ tsp or less of Manuka honey (15+ or higher) used in water to “swish” around the mouth to prevent mouth and throat ulceration.  
  • Helpful during radiation: aloe vera gel can be used over burned skin and orally to prevent/treat mouth sores.  Chamomile tea, manuka honey, Holy Basil, propolis will also treat the skin and mouth. For oral use add to water and swish in the mouth.  These are safe to swallow.  DO NOT USE and OIL-Based skin products on the area to be radiated, it will increase the radiation burns on your skin.  After radiation treatment is completed rosehip oil /cream is effective at treating burns and burn scars.
  • Loss of appetite- while it is vital you keep up your strength, poor eating puts you at risk for nutritional deficiencies and increased inflammation.  If you don’t feel hungry, schedule eating times, instead of relying on hunger-based cues.  If loss of appetite is caused by nausea, altered taste, mouth sores or pain, modify the consistency of your foods to make them easier to eat (cook, dice, shred, chop, etc).  Liquid nutrition is often well tolerated and easy to ingest.  Make sure you take a good quality multiple vitamin and/or mineral supplement to make up for deficits in the diet.  Bone broth is a good option for minerals.  Homemade organic applesauce, mashed root vegetables, cauliflower, etc. can be made to taste more appealing with organic butter and a little salt. Acupuncture is helpful for loss of appetite (and many other side effects of treatment and cancer).  Kendra Dale, LAc is exceptional (503) 388-6583. She is in my office building.
  • Hot flashes- reduce or avoid caffeine, spicy foods, hot rooms, and alcohol intake. Keep a fan near your workspace and bed to cool off.  Grapeseed extract OPCs can be helpful at 200 -600mg twice daily.  Menopause support (Vital Nutrients) 2 capsules 1-2 times daily to relieve symptoms.  evening primrose oil, homeopathic Sepia. Acupuncture. Da Bu Yin Wan 4 capsules 3 times a day on an empty stomach, Xiao Chai Hu Tang 4 capsules 3 times a day on an empty stomach.  Magnesium bisglycinate 500+ mg can be very good, relaxes arterial muscle. Also consider fresh-ground flaxseed.
  • Kate Farms organic liquid nutritional support/meal replacement. Delicious and the will send you a sample upon request.
  • Diarrhea- Banatrol Plus.

I look forward to supporting your good health.

Kris Ritchey, ND

Cancer Therapy Overviews


  • High dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid)- ascorbic acid selectively increases peroxide poisoning of cancer cells, without harming noncancerous cells.  It reduces chemical toxicity to your DNA and liver. Patients given IVC benefit from less fatigue, reduction in nausea, improved appetite, reductions in depression, fewer sleep disorders, increased platelet count, and decreased pain. Vitamin C and glutathione (both potent antioxidants) recycle each other.  Vitamin C can also act as a pro-oxidant at higher doses, and so is helpful to be given during many of the chemotherapy drug cycles, with the exception of Erbitux and Cetuximab.   Ascorbic acid blood levels are tightly regulated by your body.  First, in the amount that can be absorbed across the gut and secondly excess Vit C in the blood is rapidly filtered out by your kidneys.  Higher oral doses oddly enough have a reduced absorption rate.  The body prefers oral doses under 500 mg within a 2-hour period.  So, eating/drinking excess Vitamin C has limited therapeutic value.  Also, oral high doses often trigger diarrhea.  IV vitamin C has been shown to stabilize many types of tumors, including stopping the growth and spread of tumors.  Best results are seen with the following: lymphomas, lung NSCLC, cholangiocarcinoma, colon, breast, multiple myeloma, kidney and bladder cancers.  Shown to lower PSA and ALP levels in prostate cancer.  It is a blood thinner so caution is taken with some medications. 
    • Lab test– It is required that you get a glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) test before we can start Vit C IV’s (above 15 grams).
    • High dose vitamin C (HDVC) therapy can deplete copper levels, so copper needs to be in your multi-vitamin formula and/or you may need additional supplementation.
    • HDVC below 20g is not recommended during radiation therapy, as it increases pro-oxidant adverse effects.
    • Make sure you’ve eaten before (or during) a HDVC IV.  This therapy may lower your normal blood sugar levels for a few hours.
    • R-lipoic acid – take 100-200 mg prior to a Vit C IV to increase tissue response to the Vit C.
    • Do not take high-dose green tea EGCG therapy or N-acetyl-cysteine NAC on days of IV Vitamin C infusions, as they counteract the treatment.
    • Total IV “drip” time is 1-2.5 hours, depending on dose of Vit C in the bag
    • Cost- two-part fee: an administration (visit fee) and nutrient/supply fee.  We do not bill insurance for IV’s.  Total fee will range between $195-$260 per IV. $15 port access fee to cover the Huber needle and heparin protocols. Administered 3 times a week for the 1st week to increase tissue absorption, then twice weekly for 2-3 months, though at high doses and regular tracking of ascorbic acid levels in urine may be as little as once a week.  We then reduce to once weekly for an additional 2-3 months, and then reduce again.  It’s important with this treatment to keep your body’s tissues saturated as we talked about in your appointment.
    • Research Articles:
    • (2018) Carr, Cook.  “Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Therapy – Identifying the Current Gaps in Our Knowledge.” Front. Physiol., 23 August 2018
    • (2019) Gonzalez, et al. “Increasing the Effectiveness of Intravenous Vitamin C as an Anticancer Agent.” International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. Volume 34, Number 2, 2019.
  • Glutathione (GSH) IV-  GSH is the master antioxidant, critical to good immune function.  It does not perform medically when taken orally. Glutathione induces apoptosis (natural destruction) in tumors.  It acts to protect tissue before and after radiation and chemotherapy cycles.  Levels of GSH tend to be extra low in patients with lung and liver cancer, which house the largest concentration of glutathione. Avoid with Cyclophosphamide.
    • Glutathione is reliably increased in tissues by certain supplements: milk thistle, grapeseed extract, pine bark pycnogenol, resveratrol, bilberry, curcumin (Meriva) and melatonin.
    • This treatment is used prior to or post-chemotherapy cycles.
    • Total IV “drip” time is 30min-1 hour, depending on dose and patient tolerance.
    • Cost- two-part fee: an administration (visit fee) and nutrient/supply fee.  We do not bill insurance for IV’s.  Total fee will range between $130-$200 per IV. $15 port access fee to cover the Huber needle and heparin protocols.  Can also be administered as a “push” which costs $25 per gram not including any administration fees.
  • Artesunate (wormwood) IV- complements Vit C therapy. It binds to excess iron that many cancer cells need to thrive.  Special order formula.
    • Total IV “drip” time is 30min-1 hour, depending on dose and patient tolerance.  Often given with Vit C IV.
    • Cost- two-part fee: an administration (visit fee) and nutrient/supply fee.  We do not bill insurance for IV’s.  Total fee will range between $200 and up depending on dose per IV.  $15 port access fee to cover the Huber needle and heparin protocols.  
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid IV- ALA is a master antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.  IV alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is used to treat cancer, neuropathy, and chronic liver disease.  It supports immune function. Avoid eating 30-60 minutes before IV.  Research shows ALA is responsible for the following:
    • Reduces oxidative stress on normal cells and prolongs their life.
    • Able to stabilize NF(k)B (a protein complex that regulates DNA transcription).
    • Stimulate pro-oxidant cancer cell death.
    • Discriminative ability to discourage the proliferation of malignant cells.
    • Supports low dose naltrexone (LDN) to modulate an endogenous immune response.
    • Total IV “drip” time is 30min-1 hour, depending on dose and patient tolerance.
    • Cost- two-part fee: an administration (visit fee) and nutrient/supply fee.  We do not bill insurance for IV’s.  Total fee will range between $145-$200 per IV. $15 port access fee to cover the Huber needle and heparin protocols.  Twice per week for three weeks, then once per week as determined.
  • Mistletoe – Iscador or Helixor P-type injectables. Intravenous Mistletoe Treatment in Integrative Cancer Care: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Procedures, Concepts, and Observations of Expert Doctors. Gunver S. Kienle, Milena Mussler, DieterFuchs, and Helmut Kiene. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2016, Article ID 4628287, 16 pages
    • Cost- $125 administration plus nutrient supply fee, unless you bring the Rx into the clinic and the supply fee will be waived. Supply fee variable depending on the type of injectable used.  Payment for the mistletoe required before injectable is ordered from the pharmacy. $15 port access fee to cover the Huber needle and heparin protocols.

SUPPLEMENTS– there is an abundance of natural “helpful” cancer treatment ideas on the internet and in media forms.  Be wary of most of it.  The quality of supplements is of utmost importance.  You want to be sure you’re getting the proper advertised dose in each pill, and that there are no contaminants.  The best example of quality assurance is on the Kirkman Group website (  Kirkman’s products are some of the best in the world.  If other products you’re interested in can’t come close to Kirkman’s testing process don’t waste your money, they may not even be bioavailable to get into your body. Recommended brands: Aetos Essential Oils, Allergy Research Group, Ayush, Genestra, Integrative Therapeutics, Kirkman, Klaire Labs, Metagenics, NFH, Nordic Naturals, Pharmax, Priority One, Protocol for Life Balance, Pure Encapsulation, Thorne, Vital Nutrients. Patients with liver cancer need to take caution to not overload the liver with nutrients. The following supplements are helpful in treating cancer and chronic disease:

  • Artemisinin (wormwood- Artemisinin by Allergy Research)- 200 mg four times per day (800 mg) with fatty or oily food for three days and then take a 9 day break, dose again.  Not to exceed 1200 mg per day without physician supervision.  It binds to excess iron that many cancer cells need to thrive.  Iron is an essential cofactor for cancer cell proliferation.  Most cancer cells have high rates of iron intake and express a high concentration of transferrin receptors on the cell surface. Generates peroxides in contact with cancer cell iron stores, that harms or destroys cancer cells.  NOTE: DO NOT TAKE any antioxidants when taking this supplement: ALA, CoQ10, grapeseed extract, green tea extract, glutathione, selenium, Vit C, Vit E (forbidden), etc. 
  • Astragalus (Douglas Labs, Gaia, NFH, Professional Formula, Vital Nutrients, Wise Woman) – 500mg four times per day. a TCM chi tonic herb, often found in liquid extracts with ginseng, significantly enhances survival with small cell lung cancer.  Astragalus-based herbal formulas improve survival and reduce harm when combined with platinum-based chemotherapy.
  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) (Allergy Research, Klaire Labs, Pure Encapsulaton, Vital nutrients) – 500mg 2-3 times per day for 7 day cycles with break for 7 days.  Inhibits tumor growth and metastasis.  A liver protective antioxidant that reduces chemotherapy toxicity. For preventing damage to the bladder due to treatment with a cancer drug called ifosfamide: 1 to 2 grams of N-acetyl cysteine every 6 hours.  Do not take on HDVC IV days as it may counteract the hydrogen peroxide reaction.
  • Berberine (Allergy Research, Thorne, Integrative Therapeutics, Vital Nutrients) – 50mg/kg or 23mg/lb daily with food.  300mg, 3 times per day, during radiation therapy.  Anti-inflammatory and inhibits Cox-2 expression and cancer cell energy metabolism. Potential side effects of berberine (BBR) include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal distension, and bitter taste. May interact with other drugs, because it’s an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6, 2C9, and 3A4.  High doses of berberine can directly inhibit tumor growth in breast and lung cancer through activating p53, directly inducing apoptosis. Lack of functional p53 is associated with an increased risk of the development of drug resistance.  Induces some of its anticancer effects by inducing apoptosis, autophagy, cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence. In some glioblastoma cells, BBR has been shown to inhibit EGFR signaling by suppression of the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway but not AKT signaling.  Galangin is present in Alphina officinarum Hance and propolis (bee glue, a sealing mixture produced by honey bees). It has both anti-cancer and anti-oxidative properties. Combining galangin with BBR has been shown to have synergistic effects on inhibiting the growth of CRC. BBR suppressed proliferation of SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells. BBR has been shown to augment the effects of cisplatin in inducing cell cycle arrest in A2780 ovarian carcinoma cells. Berberine inhibits the invasion of human skin squamous cell carcinoma A431 cells.  Significantly reduced the incidence and severity of radiation-induced acute intestinal symptoms (RIAIS) and postponed the occurrence of RIAIS in patients with abdominal or whole pelvic radiation.  Research shows efficacy with bladder, breast, cervical, colon, endometrial, Ewing’s sarcoma, glioblastoma, liver, lung, lymphoma, melanoma, multiple myeloma, ovarian, pancreas, prostate cancers. 
  • Bifidobacterium (Ther-Biotic Factor Four by Klaire Labs)- 1 capsule twice a day 30 min before a meal.  Studies show that having this probiotic combination in the gut boosts the immune system’s ability to attack tumor cells.
  • Boron (Pure Encapsulation) –3-10 mg per day in divided doses, with food.  Hardens bones, to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer in bones.
  • Boswellia (Protocol for Life Balance, Pure Encapsulation) – 1000- 1200mg three times per day with food.  Inhibits tumor growth by inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase, DNA synthesis, and topoisomerases I & II.  Requires greater than 60% Boswellic acids.  Breast, bladder, colon, leukemia, liver, melanoma, pancreas, prostate.
  • Calcium citrate (Allergy Research)- 300 mg calcium twice daily.  Split the dose for best absorption. Supports bone strength in cancers involving bones. Inhibits proliferation, increases differentiation in human colonic cells.  This strongly prevents polyps and subsequent cancers.  
  • Cannabis- important medicine for reducing pain, nausea induced by chemotherapy.  Has anti-tumor properties, stimulates the appetite and supports the immune system.  Ratio of CBD to THC should be at very least 1:1 (CBD:THC) and up to 3:1 (CBD:THC).  Cannabis comes in oral and topical forms. Medical cards available with prescription from Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine (Pure Encapsulation, Integrative Therapeutics, Allergy Research, or Vital Nutrients Powder)- a potent mitochondria booster but needs ALA to regulate the harmful oxidation produced.  500 to 1,000 mg 3 times daily.    L-carnitine can inhibit thyroid function.  Contraindicated in those with a history of epileptic seizures. 
  • Castor Oil Packs- anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial. Stimulates immune response.  Increases T-cell production.  Soothes pain and promotes sleep.
  • Chinese Herbs for liver health and anti-tumor
    • Xiao Chai Hu Tang (TCM or Blue Poppy Brands) 2 capsules three times per day, 30 minutes before a meal.  TCM may call this Minor Bupleurum Formula.  
    • Sho-Saiko-To (Karuna or Honso)- 1 capsule twice per day 60 minutes away from food.  
  • CoQ10 (Integrative Therapeutics- ubiquinone form)- 100mg four times per day (total 400mg) with fatty or oily foods for best absorption.  Keep a bottle in the refrigerator. 10-fold lower risk of metastasis in melanoma and breast cancer patients. Supports mitochondrial health.  Prevents chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity. (2018)
  • Cordyceps Sinensis– protects against radiation-induced bone marrow and intestinal injuries, accelerates leukocyte recovery, stimulates immune lymphocyte proliferation, and improves survival after radiation exposure. 1000-3000mg per day.
  • Coriolis Versicolor (Turkey tail mushroom. Douglas Labs- Mycoceutics, EcoNugenics- Mycoceutics Mycophyto, NFH- Mushroom Complex SAP, Mushroom Wisdom)- PSK very significantly increases survival at doses of 3 to 6 grams daily.
  • Curcumin (Meriva or Bioperine based formulas- Pure Encapsulation, Thorne)-2000-4000mg per day (split dose).  Anti-inflammatory, supports liver function, anti-cancer herb. Turmeric is not readily absorbable through your digestive tract.  Meriva and formulas with Bioperine are specially formulated to resolve this issue.  Inhibits cell invasion and metastasis, inhibits NF-κB and COX-2, and has antiproliferative and apoptosis-stimulating functions.  Contains L-theanine, which has neuroprotective and cognition-enhancing properties.  Induces heat shock protein HSP70, and apoptosis.  Reduces inflammation.  COX-2 inhibitors such as curcumin and aspirin reduce risk of development or reoccurrence of dysplastic polyps and adenomas by 50%.  Curcumin is safer.  Take 2 hours away from R-ALA. Positively enhances the efficacy of Velcade.  Especially take during radiation treatment will improve the treatment and reduce side effects.
  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)- strongly inhibits proliferation and induces the death of HPV-positive and HPV-negative cervical cancer cells through an androgen- and estrogen-receptor independent mechanism.  Available as a prescription form a compounding pharmacy in a topical cream form to use on labia and inner tissue of vagina.
  • DIM (DIM- Pro 100 Pure Encapsulation)- starting dose 100 mg per day for a week, taken at bedtime, then increase by 100 mg per day each week until the dose is increased to 400mg per day in divided doses.  Take with a fatty food for best absorption.  DIM inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation, causes apoptosis, and supports liver function.  Naturally occurs in cruciferous Brassica vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, watercress, radishes, horseradish, rutabaga, turnips, collard greens, and mustard greens.  These foods are strongly associated with broad cancer protection. 
  • Digestive Enzymes (Enzy-Gest by Priority One)- 1-2 tablets before each meal.  Provides the enzymes and small amounts of stomach acid to breakdown nutrients for absorption into the body.  If your stomach makes too much acid switch to Gastri-Gest by Priority One.
  • Fish oil (omega 3) (Ayush, Nordic Naturals or Carlsons)- 1500-4500 mg/day.  You want to work up to the higher dose over a couple of weeks.  The higher dose can irritate the bowels if taken before the body adapts.  Fish oil is a blood thinner and may not be advised with certain chemo meds.  DHA, in combination with radiation significantly increased oxidative stress and cell death in a lung cancer cell lines.  Fish oil increases appetite and body weight, reduces fatigue, improves muscle strength and lowers C-reactive protein levels.
  • Flaxseeds (Omega 3)- 2 tablespoons per day (seeds).  Mice bred to develop prostate cancer who were fed diets rich in flaxseeds (5% of their food intake) had half the number of tumors, and the tumors were far less aggressive and had a higher rate of apoptosis.  The lignins in flax inhibit the development and the growth of prostate tumors.  The lignins bind hormones and xenobiotics in the stool and increase sex hormone binding globulins in the blood.  Pilot study of dietary fat restriction and flaxseed supplementation in men with prostate cancer before surgery: exploring the effects on hormonal levels, prostate-specific antigen, and histopathologic features. Urology. 2001 Jul;58(1):47-52. Breast, colon, melanoma, prostate (do not use oil), SCC cancers.  
  • Omega 3 (Fish Oil-Nordic Naturals, Carlsons, Ayush; flax seeds, chia seeds)- 3000-4500mg per day in divided doses.  2 tablespoons per day (seeds).  Breast, colon, melanoma, prostate (do not use the oil), and squamous cell cancers.  Fish oil- You want to work up to the higher dose over a couple of weeks.  The higher dose can irritate the bowels if taken before the body adapts. Fish oil is a blood thinner and may not be advised with certain chemo or certain other medications.  DHA, in combination with radiation significantly increased oxidative stress and cell death in a lung cancer cell lines.  Omega 3 increases appetite and body weight, reduces fatigue, improves muscle strength and lowers C-reactive protein levels.
  • Folate (methyl folic acid- Allergy Research, Priority One, Pure Encapsulation, Vital Nutrients of found in Ayush Multi)- abundant in green leafy vegetables, donates methyl groups to silence oncogene mutations such as Ras or BRAC2.  5 to 10 milligrams daily can reverse early cervical dysplasia, and reduces carcinogenesis risk from human papilloma virus HPV types 16 and 18.  Folate treatment has shown a beneficial effect, reducing risk of certain cancers (colorectal, breast, squamous cell carcinoma), whereas other studies have shown detrimental effects following folate treatment, whereby proliferation of cancer increased (mammary, prostate).  Folinic acid for brain tumors (Kirkman).
  • L-Glutamine Powder (Klaire Labs, Vital Nutrients)- 10 grams per day. Helps with tissue repair, reduces muscle loss and fatigue. This is to be taken before or after chemo/radiation cycles. 
  • Ginger – inhibits skin growth promoter epidermal ornitihine decarboxylase EOD. Zheng, J., Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Xu, D.-P., Li, S., & Li, H.-B. (2016). Spices for Prevention and Treatment of Cancers. Nutrients8(8), 495.
  • Gingko biloba and Panax ginseng– protect against radiation-induced lethality, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage. Ginseng 250-500 mg 3-4 times daily.  Gingko- 60-80 mg twice daily.
  • Ginseng Root Panax– 250 mg 3-4 times.  Protects against DNA damage from radiation exposure, potentiate the therapeutic effect of radiation on lung cancer cells, and reduce radiation-induced enteritis.  
  • Grapeseed Extract- (Source Naturals) 200 to 500 mg 2 times daily.  Acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancerous, increases tissue Vit C levels, normalizes blood vessels and prevents unwanted hormone production. Grapeseed extract proanthocyanidinins robustly inhibit NFκB.
  • Green Tea & EGCG Polyphenol 95% (Klaire Labs, Life Extension, Protocol for Life Balance, Pure Encapsulation) 700mg three times per day with food, take 2 with breakfast and one with dinner. Absorption is increased when taken with black pepper, grapes, banana or tamarind. This supplement depletes vitamin E storage in the body and may cause kidney injury.  ALWAYS TAKE 400 IU daily of mixed tocopherol vitamin E containing at least 10% gamma tocopherol when on high dose EGCG medication.  Encapsulated standardized extracts, low in caffeine, are necessary to reach the doses needed to use EGCG and related polyphenols as a cancer therapy.   Green tea enhances the antitumor efficacy of anthracycline, cisplatin, and irinotecan chemotherapy. Velcade is not compatible with green tea extract, may reduce efficacy. Green tea also contains the polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which inhibits telomerase and induces apoptosis in drug-resistant lung cancer cells.  Contains L-theanine, which has neuroprotective and cognition-enhancing properties. DO NOT TAKE with certain chemo agents or radiation treatment. Do not take on HDVC IV days as it may counteract the hydrogen peroxide reaction.
  • Herbs, Spices & Seeds- garlic, flax seeds, cinnamon, clove, bay leaf, and basil. Reduce inflammation and support the immune system to attack cancer cells.  Use as spices or additions to food items.
  • Indole-3-carbinol (Pure Encapsulation, Thorne)- starting dose 200 mg per day for a week with meals, then increase by 200mg each week up to 600 mg/day.  Take in divided doses and with a fatty food for best absorption. Causes apoptosis and supports your liver.  Naturally occurs in cruciferous Brassica vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, watercress, radishes, horseradish, rutabaga, turnips, collard greens and mustard greens.  These foods are strongly associated with broad cancer protection.  REFRIGERATE.
    • I3C inhibits NFκB, STAT-3, Akt, MMP-9, and mTOR.
    • Regulates hormones- pancreatic cancer cells have excess testosterone receptors and aromatase.  Inhibits NFκB, Akt and MMP-9.
    • regulates DNA transcription factor STAT-3, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.   
  • Liver Support (Vital Nutrients)- exceptional blend of herbs to support liver health and function.  Take 1 capsule 2-3 times per day with meals.
  • R-lipoic acid (Pure Encapsulation, vital nutrients)- 600-900mg daily in divided dose. Take 100-200 mg prior to a Vit C IV to increase tissue response to the Vit C.  R-ALA supports immune function. AVOID the form that says ALA, it does not readily go across your intestinal cells, like R-ALA does.   Research shows ALA is responsible for the following:
    • Reduces oxidative stress on normal cells and prolongs their life.
    • Able to stabilize NF(k)B (a protein complex that regulates DNA transcription).
    • Stimulate pro-oxidant cancer cell death.
    • Discriminative ability to discourage the proliferation of malignant cells.
    • Supports low dose naltrexone (LDN) to modulate an endogenous immune response.
    • Recycles other antioxidants in the body- glutathione, Vit C, Vit E, CoQ10…
    • Take 2-3 hours away from iron as ALA can act as a chelator and bind to the iron.
  • Lycopene (Pure Encapsulation)- 20 mg four times per day.  Reduces IGF-1 stimulation of cancer cell growth in hormone dependent tumors. The best food source is cooked tomatoes.
  • Melatonin (Kirkman, Pure Encapsulation or Wellness Therapeutics) – we can work with this supplement, possibly with 5HTP to help improve sleep if need be.  Up to 20 mg (with a physician guidance).  Starting dose 3-6 mg.  Melatonin megaboosts your immune function and has anti-cancer effects.  Supports bone marrow recovery and tolerance to chemotherapy.  Reduces radiation-induced oxidative organ damage by increasing malondialdehyde levels, myeloperoxidase activity, and glutathione levels.  Shown to improve survival and tumor response in lung cancer patients when combined with conventional therapies.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM- cheaper if bought in powdered form- Designs for Health, Integrative Therapeutics, Pure Encapsulation, Vital Nutrients)- 5 grams three times per day with meals.  Take with Vit C for better absorption.  If you use capsules take the first dose of the day on an empty stomach.  Wait 15-20 minutes to eat. You can mix the powder in a smoothie, just clean off the sides of the glass and ingest the leftovers to avoid wasting MSM.  Do not use MSM if you have a sulfur allergy.  Boosts the immune system.  Restores glutathione in the body.  Anti-inflammatory for bladder.  Works synergistically with tyrphostins to kill bladder cancer cells and reduce chemo toxicity.    Use as an inhibitor for the management of HER2-positive breast cancers. Combination of MSM and tamoxifen synergistically inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in ER-positive breast cancer.  MSM induces apoptosis in HCT-116 colon cancer cells regardless of their p53 status. Since p53, a genetic tumor suppressor, is defective in >50% of tumors, the ability of MSM to induce apoptosis independently of p53 may offer an advantage in anti-tumor therapy.  MSM may induce cytotoxic effect on gastrointestinal cancer cell lines by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. MSM has anti-cancer effects through inducing apoptosis in liver cancer. Possible side effects nausea, bloating and diarrhea.  Breast, bladder, colon, liver, lung cancers.
  • Milk thistle- silibinin slows prostate cancer growth, inhibits epidermal growth factor EGF, inhibits NFκB.
  • Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) Powder (Vital Nutrients, Allergy Research or PectaSol-C) – Laboratory and animal studies have shown that pectin has anticancer properties. In vitro and animal studies show that pectin induces apoptosis in adenocarcinoma tumors and has anti-proliferative, anticancer and anti-metastatic effects. These studies appear to show that MCP makes it difficult for cancer cells that break off from the main tumor to join together and grow in other organs. However, in most animal studies, MCP had no effect on the main tumor, suggesting that it may only be useful for preventing or slowing the growth of metastatic tumors in very early stages of development. Recent laboratory studies of human and animal cells have provided information on how MCP might slow the spread of cancer. MCP appears to attach to galectin-3, a common chemical in many cells. Galectin-3 is present in abnormally high levels in many cancers and plays an important role in the growth, survival, and spread of cancer cells.  Modified citrus pectin is still considered an experimental therapy for cancer and should be used as an adjuvant to standard cancer therapy under medical supervision.  Human studies are needed to verify these results.  Synergistic with Velcade treatment. 
    • Dose 5 grams 2-3 times daily. Taken on empty stomach, 30-45 min before food.
    • Side effects- May cause bloating and gas, so reduce dose or discontinue.  
    • Contraindication- Do not take if on lovastatin.
    • (2019) Eliaz, Isaac, and Avraham Raz. “Pleiotropic Effects of Modified Citrus Pectin.” Nutrients vol. 11,11 2619. 1 Nov. 2019, doi:10.3390/nu11112619
  • Multi-vitamin (Ayush)- I can’t stress how important it is that you take a good quality, bio-available, multi-vitamin at this time.  This formula will supply the type of B-12 (methylcobalamin) needed to address neuropathy from chemo treatment. Take 1 capsule twice per day.
  • Mushroom extracts- (Douglas Labs- Mycoceutics, EcoNugenics- Mycoceutics Mycophyto, NFH- Mushroom Complex SAP, Mushroom Wisdom)  Chaga and Reishi.  Chaga mushrooms (Mushroom Wisdom) have betulinic acid, anti-inflammatory, pro-apoptotic, and cytotoxic. Coriolis versicolor (turkey tail)- 3 to 6 grams daily.  800-1000mg daily.  Reishi Mushrooms (Vital Nutrients or NFH)- 500-1000mg three times per day.  Anti-tumorous. Synergistic with Green Tea & EGCG, curcumin, grapeseed and quercetin.
  • Potassium (aspartate, or citrate forms.  Pure Encapsulation or Allergy Research)- appx 99 mg per day.  Supports healthy cell function and growth. 
  • Probiotic (Kirkman Group Super Pro biotic 75 billion or Ayush Probiotic 100)- take 1-2 daily starting 3 days before chemo cycle, during cycle, 7 days after chemo.  This formula contains both lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium depleted during chemo and needed to support your immune system. 
  • Quercetin (Alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin (the most bio-available form) by Integrative Therapeutics)- One capsule, 33mg, 3 times a day with food.  Inhibits the growth of cancer cells and increases apoptosis. Inhibits NFκB.  Velcade is not compatible with quercetin or green tea extract, which reduce efficacy. Dose-dependent inhibition of OC, down-regulates OC cell signal transduction, binds to type II estrogen receptors, aromatase inhibitor, inhibits high aerobic glycolysis, arrests OC cells in G0-G1 phase, inhibits development of heat shock proteins.  Synergistic with both cisplatin and genestein.
  • Reishi Mushrooms (Douglas Labs, EcoNugenics, Mushroom Wisdom, NFH, Vital Nutrients)- 500-1000mg three times per day.  Anti-tumorous. Synergistic with Green Tea & EGCG, curcumin, grapeseed and quercetin.  Ganoderma lucidum mushroom hot water extract acts as a great inhibitor of NFκB.
  • Resveratrol (Pure Encapsulation (Ultra HP), Vital Nutrients)- 300-500mg 4 times daily.  Dose has to be at least 25mg/kg/day (12.5mg/lb/day) for 15-day cycles with 1 week off.   Lower doses may increase tumor growth.  Shown to cause apoptosis.  In E+ and HER2+ cancers, dose has to be at least 25mg/kg for 15 days.  Inhibits NFκB, an MMP-2 inhibitor, reduces invasion and spread. Breast, colon, liver, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, ovarian cancers.
  • Selenium (Allergy Research)- 200-800mcg daily. Powerful antioxidant. Neutralizes excess free radicals and protects cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.  Reduces DNA damage and oxidative stress.  Decreases the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and prostate cancer, but it was not associated with colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, and skin cancer.  Oral selenium supplements improved overall quality of life and reduced radiation-induced diarrhea in women with cervical and uterine cancer.
  • Sho-Saiko-To (Karuna or Honso)- 1 capsule twice per day 60 minutes away from food.  A Japanese formulation of 7 Chinese herbs being tested at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for inoperable liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).  Phase 1 trials in Japan showed liver protective, stops production of new cancer cells, and has immune-stimulating effects.  
  • Sulforaphane (Designs for Health Brocco Protect 500mg)- 1 capsule twice per day with food. Taken in 3 week cycles, with two weeks off between.  Bladder, breast, colon, liver, prostate, thyroid cancers.   SFN inhibits bladder cancer cell invasion.  Broccoli and broccoli sprout isothiocyanates, especially sulforaphane and erucin, can significantly inhibit bladder cancer growth. At this time seeds have not shown the same effects.
  • Taurine (Pure encapsulation, Allergy Research)- 1000-2000 mg twice times per day on an empty stomach.  Taurine is an important amino acid for heart, brain and nervous system function.  Take during chemo cycles and 5-7 days after to replenish supply lost
  • Vitamin A and Retinoic Acids (Pure Encapsulation or Vital Nutrients for Carotene)- supports apoptosis and controls cell proliferation, including tumorigenic stem cells.  Carotenes may be given to 200,000 units daily, and vitamin A retinol at 50,000 I.U. or more daily (10K per 25 lb BW) for up to 3 months under close supervision by a physician.  Vaginal suppositories are an excellent alternative for cervical issues.  500,000 IU palmitate in cocoa butter inserted at bedtime for 20 days to start.  This formula is ordered from Specialty Pharmacy in Wilsonville. 
  • Vitamin C– good for all viral related cancers.  High dose IV is more effective than oral.  For oral supplementation take 500mg every waking hour.  Your intestinal tract cannot absorb more than about 500mg per hour (give or take a little).  You can take up to 10-12 grams/day, but this may cause diarrhea.  Oral doses this high cannot raise Vit C serum levels high enough to induce cancer cell apoptosis.  Your kidneys clear the excess too quickly.  
  • Vitamin E– provided immediately after radiation therapy shows protective properties against radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis.  Needs to be taken with Green tea extract 400mg.
  • Vitamin D (Kirkman, Metagenics, Genestra)- Vitamin D is a must.  We want to increase your serum levels into the range of 50-90 ng/ml for optimal health support.  Vitamin D decreases cancer risk and supports the immune system. We need to get a recent serum level test to measure your levels.  In the meantime, take 4000IU two to three times per day without fail.  We will determine your dose following test results.
  • Vit K2- menaquinone-7 (MK-7) form (Allergy Research, Klaire Labs, Vital Nutrients)- 180 mcg daily with fatty/oily foods to enhance absorption.  Plays an important role in normal bone formation and the preservation of bone strength.  A significant regulator of tissue calcification and is critical for the maintenance of arterial elasticity and cardiovascular health.  Vitamin K2 includes two of the most studied subtypes, MK-7 (Menaquinone-7) and MK-4 (Menatetrenone). MK-7, the most readily absorbed and bioactive form of K2, has no common dietary sources.  Unlike Vitamin K1, which is stored in the liver, MK-7 is transported directly to tissues and has a longer half-life than either K1 or MK-4.  
  • Xiao Chai Hu Tang (TCM or Blue Poppy Brands)- 2 capsules three times per day, 30 minutes before a meal.  TCM may call this Minor Bupleurum Formula.  This formula is a major healer of the liver, improving liver blood flow and function caused by the gut reaction to stress. Helps resolve liver inflammation. Inhibits cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis in liver cancer cells.  
  • Zinc Picolinate or glycinate (Pure Encapsulation, Genestra, Thorne)- take 15mg three times per day for 30 days, then reduce to twice per day. Take with food to prevent nausea.  Supports the healthy production, growth & function of T cells, natural killer cells and other anti-cancer immune cells.  Inhibits NFκB.  During radiation reduces dermatitis and mucositis, boosts immune function, improves tissue repair and healing, while improving local control of the cancer.  Mandatory for radiation to the head and neck.  You can hurt your body if you take too much zinc over long periods of time, so don’t take a higher dose without consulting your doctor.  
  • Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)- inhibits tumor growth and stimulates the endorphin system which support immune function.  Cannot be utilized if a patient is on any opioids. Naltrexone is a drug that binds to the natural opioid receptors located on our cell walls.  When this happens, it displaces our body’s hormones (endorphins) that were bound to, or trying to bind to, the receptors.  Naltrexone specifically affects the Opioid Growth Factor (OGF) receptor by interfering with the binding of Opioid Growth Factor (OGF).   OGF is responsible for regulating cell growth, wound repair, supports the immune system and has an anti-cancer function.  

When OGF is displaced off the receptor, the affected cells become deficient in OGF and three things happen:

  1. Cells start to make more receptors to try to capture more OGF.
  2. The receptors sensitivity to OGF is increased to try to capture more OGF.
  3. The body starts producing more OGF to compensate for the perceived shortage of OGF.

A compromised immune system occurs with unusually low levels of endorphins.  Since LDN blocks the OGF receptors for only a few hours before it is naturally excreted, it creates a “rebound effect”, in which both the body’s production and utilization of OGF is greatly increased before LDN dissipates.  The elevated OGF produced as a result of the rebound effect can now interact with the more-sensitive and more-plentiful receptors and assist in regulating cell growth and immunity.

The duration of the rebound effect varies from person to person, based on metabolism, but generally lasts about one day.  Benefits of the rebound effect only happen with low doses of Naltrexone. Taking a high dose of Naltrexone or using a timed-release formulation will result in continuous blockade of OGF receptors, and the rebound effect will not serve any useful purpose.

  •  Prescribed up to 4.5 mg/day. Appx pricing for 1.5 mg: 30 caps $49, 60 caps $62, 90 caps $79.  4.5 mg: 30 caps $46, 90 caps $79, 120 caps $89. I order from Specialty Pharmacy in Wilsonville (503) 303-7111.

DIET- While diet alone will not cure cancer, a healthy diet goes a long way to help build-up your immune system and support healthy tissue. For most people, the SAD or Standard American Diet is the daily fare.  Unfortunately, it is high in refined foods that easily break down into sugar, is high in fat and salt, and largely nutrient deficient.  But we’ve been trained well by the food industry to think their products are healthy and nutritious.  Time to make a few healthful changes:

  • Avoid or limit sugaravoid at this time.  Sugar tends to support cancer growth and will work against your treatment.  Avoid excessive starchy food like white potatoes (mashed, fries).  They break down easily into the simple sugar glucose, which most cancer cells use to grow rapidly.  We’ve suspected, dare I say known, that high dietary sugar intake is associated with many cancers, including breast, colorectal, biliary, liver and melanoma.  Incorporate low glycemic index foods (≤55/100) as the primary source of your diet (  There is a large delicious selection of these foods.  According to the American Heart Association a woman can only healthfully process 24 grams or 6 tsp of sugar per day (4g = 1tsp), men 9 tsp or 36 grams.   You’ll want to avoid all added sugar and refined carbs as much as possible, it’s not helpful to you at this time.  Raw honey (1-2 tbsp limit per day) or stevia are helpful options.  Limit fruits to 2-3 servings per day, beyond this it’s not worth the extra sugar.
  • Vegetables– eating a variety of vegetables daily is one of the best first steps to improving your health.  Increase intake to a minimum 4 cups mixed veggies per day.  Raw and cooked.  Raw preserves the water-soluble vitamins and plant nutrients.  Cooked destroys the previously mentioned nutrients but releases minerals that aren’t always available in the raw form. Vegetables help alkalize the body.  Cancer prefers acidic tissue.  Check out the Environmental Working Groups website for the Dirty Dozen/ Clean fifteen fruits and vegetables.  You will also find info on other product additives for soaps, shampoos, make-up etc. that harm our bodies.
  • Protein– you need good quality protein such as organic chicken, wild salmon, farmed trout (Idaho) or Catfish (Mississippi) and other fish that are low in toxic contaminants.  Check out Environmental Working Group ( for guidance.  Yes, you can eat too much protein, resulting in an added inflammatory response in the body because there is no storage in the body, except fat cells, for excess protein or amino acids. Use the following formula to determine how much pure protein you need in your daily diet.  Remember, most all foods contain protein:  ________weight/ pounds x ______value (0.37 – 0.6g range) = _______ g protein recommended per day.  
    • One ounce of protein = 28.35 grams. But one ounce of food is made up of other things besides protein. 
      • One ounce of meat generally has 7 grams of protein.
        • 8 oz. filet of beef contains 45 grams of protein.
      • One ounce of fish generally has 6 grams of protein.
        • 7 oz. fish contains 42 g protein.
      • One ounce of chicken generally has 8 grams of protein.
        • 6 oz. chicken breast contains 48 g protein.  
  • Fats Having a low saturated fat diet before diagnosis is associated with 70% lower risk of mortality in many cancer cases.   However, changing to low fat diet after diagnosis has no measurable survival benefit.  A diet with the correct balance of fats is healthful and may reduce risks for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and most other diseases.  Saturated fats should be limited to 20% of caloric intake.  A good rule of thumb is 16-20 grams, or no more than the equivalent of 2 tablespoons of butter or 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.  Healthy Oils (organic if possible)- olive, flaxseed, sesame, sunflower, safflower.  Preferable use “cold-pressed or “expeller-pressed” oils. 

ACUPUNCTURE- pain, neuropathy and loss of appetite is an unwelcome side effect of most chemo drugs.  Acupuncture is very helpful with these issues.  In addition, Vitamin B12 and alpha lipoic acid support nerve health.   It may take 2-3 months to repair the damage.  Some nerve damage may not be repaired post chemo/radiation treatment.

HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREAMENT (HBOT)- many patients have benefited from this 100-year-old therapy.  Funny story, HBOT is considered beneficial by mainstream medicine for specific conditions but is not yet recognized for cancer healing possibilities. In fact, conventional research has tried to determine whether HBOT actually promotes cancer. In study after study, however, this hypothesis has been proven to be a myth.  

HBOT is thought to affect cancer cells because it increases oxygen in tissues.  Most cancers thrive in low oxygen conditions (hypoxia).  “Hypoxia is a critical hallmark of solid tumors that enhances (cancer) cell survival, angiogenesis, glycolytic metabolism, and metastasis,” states a report on HBO published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). “Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment has for centuries been used to improve or cure disorders involving hypoxia and ischemia, by enhancing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the plasma and thereby increasing O2 delivery to the tissue.”

High levels of oxygen can promote the growth of new blood vessels. This increase does not affect the growth of cancer cells because cancer cell growth happens through anaerobic (non-oxygen) activity.  Oxygen interferes with this process. Nobel Prize-winning cell biologist Otto Warburg discovered this unique cancer fact back in the 1930’s.

Carl Feldemeier and associates, in their article entitled “Hyperbaric Oxygen: Does It Promote Growth or Recurrence of Malignancy?” concluded that “the published literature on tumor angiogenesis mechanisms and other possible mechanisms of cancer causation or accelerated growth provides little basis for HBOT to enhance malignant growth or metastases. A history of malignancy should not be considered a contraindication for HBOT therapy.” (Undersea Hyperb Med2003 Spring; 30(1):1-18.). dispels myths about HBOT and cancer. 

HBOT decreases inflammation in the body.  The C- reactive protein (CRP) blood test measures overall inflammatory in the body.  Elevated results are a commonly reported in cancer patients. 

HBOT has shown to be helpful with neurological issues, inflammation, skin conditions, cancer prevention and treatment support.  HBOT can inhibit and reduce cancer growth in some cancer types but hasn’t been as successful with cervical and bladder cancers.  Used in conjunction with high dose vitamin C IV’s has helped support many of our patients journey back to health.  Treatment costs per session range from $100-$250.  Package plans are available.

OZONE THERAPY- prestigious journals have published studies on the capacity of ozone to induce direct damage on tumor cells and enhance the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 

Ozone has been used medically for over 100 years for its immune supporting, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer effects. According to Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931, “Cancer has only one prime cause…the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic (oxygen-less) cell respiration.”   Unlike oxygen, which is two oxygen molecules joined together, ozone has three making it unstable and able to challenge cancer cells that have evolved to survive in an anaerobic (no/low oxygen) environment. 

Research has also shown that while in an oxygen-rich environment, healthy cells produce an enzymatic protective layer around themselves that repels viruses, bacteria, and fungi, all potential precursors to the development of cancer. Ozone targets cancer cells that do not have this protective cell membrane layer, contributing to apoptosis (death) of the unhealthy cells. Ozone therefore contributes to the formation of healthy cells as well as the destruction of unhealthy ones.

Ozone therapy is performed 1-2 times weekly. It ranges in cost from $60 to $1000+ depending on delivery method.

MASSAGE- helps reduce the side effects caused by conventional treatments and improve quality of life and wellbeing. You must select a therapist who is trained to work with cancer patients, so as not to spread cancer further through the body.  Our massage therapists are excellent.  They have worked in medical massage for many years and offer a variety of techniques to personalize your treatment.  Fees range from $55-$135 depending on length of massage time.

BODY/MIND HEALTH- Consider 3 private journal exercises:  One is the “purge journal” for you to get all your deepest angst out even if it feels bad to say things like “I hate you/this/them/it…” Let this theme run on each time you write your thoughts down until you can’t think of anything else to say.  The next one is the “I forgive you/them” journal.  We don’t have to forget, but we need to forgive to truly allow bad energy to get out of our heart, mind and soul.  Both of these “journals” are to be destroyed (fire is a good release) shortly after you write an entry. These are purge and release exercises.  At some point add in the “I’m thankful for” journal. This is the icing on the cake to help restore your sense of personal wellbeing and power. 

  • Laughter is a powerful medicine. It increases immune stimulating endorphins.  Belly laugh often.

EXERCISE- even on dreary NW days exercise will be your friend.  It increases immune supporting endorphins, helps stimulate your lymph system and remove toxins from your body.  30-45 min of brisk movement 4-5 times per week makes a huge difference.  Consider Tai Chi and Yoga for effective, gentle exercises.  Videos available at the library, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

SLEEP- you must get 7-8 sound hours of sleep at night.  When you miss or skimp on sleep your DNA is altered in unhealthy ways.  Your brain secretes melatonin at night which helps support your immune system.  Nightshift work – perhaps through altering melatonin’s natural production cycle (produced at night), triggers dysregulation of your natural circadian rhythms and compromises your immune system.


  • Movies: Food as Medicine (2016), In Defense of Foods (2015), That Sugar Movie (2015), Fed Up (2015)
  • Books: Salt, Sugar, Fat (Michael Moss), Pure White & Deadly (Yudkin), The Cancer Revolution (Dr. Connealy), Cannabis Revealed (Bonni Goldstein, MD), Outside the Box Cancer Therapies (Paul Anderson, ND)
  • Magazines: What Doctors Don’t Tell You, Well Being Journal, Eating Well
  • Websites: Self Nutrition Data (, Environmental Working Group (, Eating Well Recipes (
  • Youtube: Robert Lustig, MD (pediatric endocrinologist)- Sugar: the bitter truth.