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Sexual Wellness in Teens

Part of growing up is learning the responsibilities and consequences of every action. In this case, it is the responsibility of your sexual health. Your sexual health directly affects your emotional and mental well-being, so it needs to be sought after with care. 

A big factor in your sexual wellness is figuring out your gender expression, sexuality, and identity. Giving yourself an incorrect label is not as important as knowing your true self and identity. What others think of you and your preference should be the least of your concerns because what really matters is how you think of yourself. 

Understanding who you are as a person is extremely important, especially if you are interested in experimenting sexually. With experimenting comes many responsibilities, such as learning about a healthy relationship, STDs/STIs, consent, and birth control. 

Although STDs are scary, it is important to know how to reduce the chance of receiving them and the warning signs. STDs can be spread through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Sometimes, they can even be spread via skin-on-skin contact. To prevent any infections, it is necessary to use protection and regularly get tested. 

Some commonly known STDs include chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, and HIV/AIDS. There are countless different STDs, and not all of them may cause the carrier to show symptoms. If you are sexually active, this is why it is crucial to get tested for STDs and STIs frequently, because sometimes you may not acknowledge that you are contagious. 

Another significant topic is birth control and its pros and cons. Birth control comes in many different types of forms, such as the pill, implant, shot, IUD, and patch. Although birth control is most commonly used in females, scientists are working on birth control for men. Birth control is never 100% effective in preventing pregnancy or STDs, so some people use multiple different kinds to help aid in their own and their partners’ protection. Condoms are a popular option to help prevent the spread of STDs and pregnancy. However, it is important to remember that human error and natural causes may come into play, making your contraceptive method not as effective. 

There are many different factors that play into your sexual wellness, but it is most important that you look after yourself and your mental well-being. If you do not want to get involved in something, you can always say ‘no’ and walk away. Despite the fact that it’s easier said than done, your words hold strong power in the decisions you make. If you feel uncomfortable with what is happening, try saying, ‘I don’t feel comfortable doing that right now,’ or ‘Can we do this instead?’

      All in all, sexual wellness is a big responsibility of becoming a young adult. It is not something that should be gone about lightly because it can greatly affect you and your life. If you’re ever in a situation where you need help or advice, try talking to your parents, friends, parents, or doctor, or if it’s an emergency, 911. 


About the Author: Kadence Davies