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Good Day Sunshine! – Vitamin D

No matter what time of year it is in the Pacific Northwest, we must remember to supplement vitamin D. Mainly because the sunshine angle is too low for a person to absorb ample amounts of rays necessary to make a difference- even during the summer.  You may love the long days and find yourself outside as much as possible, but if you want to avoid a new wrinkle or two, apply sunscreen or sunblock. 

So, how do you increase your levels of Vitamin D, you may ask?  Multiple studies here in the Pacific Northwest indicate the need to supplement. The benefits are many. Here are five.

Vitamin D can…

  1.  Help your body absorb calcium and maintain strong bones
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Improve immune system
  4. Prevent depression
  5. Protect against multiple diseases

 At Revitalize Health and Wellness we strive to assist our patients in achieving optimum levels of vitamins and minerals, peak physical performance, and clear mental health. This may be accomplished by a proper balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, carbs, exercise, correct amounts of water and supplements.

Take a close look at your overall health situation and ask yourself, am I getting enough fresh fruits and vegetables daily? Am I drinking enough water? How much exercise is enough? Can I reduce stress in certain aspects of my life? Can supplements make the difference? 

 And for more healthy skin, cleanse twice daily. Moisturize and apply sunblock during the day. Then, in the evening, apply your “treatment,” such as night creams, retinols, and vitamin C cream. 

Call our office for an appointment with one of our team of doctors and have your vitamin D level tested. While you’re at it, make an appointment to have a facial with me, Teri DeCoster- your Onsight Aesthetician. You can even join our FACE CLUB and receive a facial each time the season changes. It’s a smart way to treat your face, save a little money and look fabulous doing it. Now how’s that for a little sunshine in your day?

About the Author: Teri DeCoster