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Skin-Fit in 2021

2021 is here!  Time to celebrate safely while we enjoy our family and friend bubbles.  Please social distance, wash hands frequently, and wear a mask. When it comes to skincare this season, take-a-peek at Teri’s Big Ten suggestions to keep your skin fit, healthy and radiant. You will feel better all over and your skin will thank you for it. 

  1. Cleanse skin twice daily. If you must wear a mask all day, you may want to rinse under the area covered every 4-5 hours to prevent bacterial build-up. Top it off with a non-alcohol refreshing astringent or toner to freshen and hydrate your skin.  Schedule a consult with me to determine if toner or astringent is the better choice for your skin type. 
  2. Moisturize your face, neck, decolletage, and hands before you apply make-up. 
  3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Remember your skin is the biggest organ. I add fresh lemon juice to my first glass of water in the morning for the extra Vitamin C and to promote skin hydration.  Throughout the day I like to make different types of herbal, fruit and veggie infused water as well to encourage me to drink water as my first choice. 
  4. Replace junk food and processed foods with fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts. This is great for the face as well as your figure. 
  5. Minimize alcohol consumption. I like a glass of soda water with a splash of wine and a wedge of lemon. Cranberry juice not only has a festive color but is delicious with soda water and is non-alcoholic.  Though be conscientious of the sugar content in juice drinks. Celebrate each day!
  6. Take a relaxing detox and refreshing bath. Stay in for at least 20-30 minutes. Light your candles. Try one of our Jadience soaks- Detox and slimming Royal Ginseng Energy, Iron Man, or Stress Relief.
  7. Dry skin brushing helps your lymphatic system rid your body of toxic build-up. I can show you how to do it during a skin consult.
  8. Exfoliate your face, neck, and decolletage with a glycolic or enzyme peel once a week. They leave your skin looking fresh and younger-looking.
  9. Sleep is paramount. Aim for seven to eight consistent hours each night. 
  10. Wear sunscreen even during the winter months. You can still get UV damage.

For more ideas, products or services check out our website or make an appointment for a free 15 min consultation with me. Treat yourself or a loved one to our monthly specials.  You can feel and look fabulous when you celebrate each day as we move forward in 2021.

Happy New Year!