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D20, WHAT? – Deuterium

Deuterium, also known as D20, exists in your body naturally in very small amounts. As pollution has increased on the planet, our bodies have accumulated more than is healthy, displacing the pure hydrogen our bodies need in large amounts.  Excess D20 has a negative effect on your body’s metabolism, repair, and speeds up the aging process. 

High deuterium levels have been shown to lead to autoimmune disease and even cancer proliferation.  Obesity too.

Deuterium changes small structures in your body into misshapen proteins and lipids that do not work well. 

It also causes issues in your mitochondria, the “powerhouses of the cell.”  Asin how you make daily energy.

By lowering your deuterium level, you can improve your mood and mental health, immune processes and possibly slow or reverse cancer growth. 

Deuterium levels in the water we drink, and the air we breathe has been rising for hundreds of years. Eating excess sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods elevates deuterium in your body. Insufficient sleep or improper breathing can cause deuterium accumulation.

Fasting has been shown to lower your Deuterium levels. 

Healthy dietary changes, getting more sunshine, exposure to cold, improving breathwork, exercise, drinking hydrogen-enriched water, and quality sleep helps lower deuterium as well. 

You will be able to increase your energy. Have a better attention span. Improve metabolic rate. Stimulate athletic performance and recovery time.  Lots of talk about slowing aging.

At Revitalize Health and Wellness, we use Allergy Research Groups’ Molecular H2 to increase hydrogen levels in our bodies and reduce deuterium. 

About the Author: Teri DeCoster