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Vitamin C Inside and Out

Topical Vitamin C for the skin can even out skin tone, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and protect against environmental elements, including free radical damage. 

To get the most out of your product, ensure it is in an air-restrictive bottle with a pump. If you buy a cream-type vitamin C in a jar, you will find that it oxidizes and discolors.  You will be motivated to use it up quickly before it turns. If you pay a little more for a better-packaged vitamin C, it will last longer and quench your skin’s thirst for rejuvenation. If you choose a vitamin C cream usually worn at night, keep it in a cool dark place to minimize oxidation. Try Vitamin C Intense Night Cream by Derma-E. It is affordable and easy to apply bedside before sleep.

After a few weeks of using a high-quality vitamin C product, check your snap-back. What’s that you say?

Pinch the skin gently under the eye inside the orbital rim and release. The faster it snaps back, the more hydrated your skin is and is also an indicator of collagen and elastin.

Vitamin C products come in various choices, including a combo of Retinols (Vitamin A). This is even better. You could have slight irritations from using products that incorporate both vitamin C and Retinols. If that happens, cut back and use it a few times per week or every other day. Best used during Fall, Winter, and early Spring. Skip summer since Retinols are sun sensitive. 

Vitamin C taken internally may reduce your risk of chronic disease and high blood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease, may reduce blood uric acid levels and help prevent gout attacks, protects your memory and thinking as you age, and helps prevent iron deficiency and boosts immunity.

Vitamin C-rich vegetables include: 
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower
Green and red peppers
Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens
Sweet and white potatoes
Tomatoes and tomato juice
Winter squash, Carrots, Garlic

Vitamin C rich fruits include:
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
Kiwi, Papaya, Guava, Cantaloupe and Citrus fruits

Now is the time to become a “C” student. Educate yourself and implement new protocols both inside and out with Vitamin C. Your whole body will love you for it. 

About the Author: Teri DeCoster