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Lemon Toner

DIY Lemon Toner, when used each evening, will improve the overall texture, unclog pores and improve acne as it exfoliates and brightens your skin. It is acidic, so keep it away from your eyes. 

What You’ll Need:
½ c lemon juice, no pulp
1c distilled water
¼ c Witch Haxel (found at your local pharmacy)

Step 1: Combine
Pour the lemon juice, distilled water, and Witch Hazel into a clean glass jar with a lid. I keep mine in the frig. 
If your skin is sensitive, use more water. Before using it for the first time, test the toner on a small patch inside your wrist and see how it reacts. 

Step 2: Apply to face, neck, and tops of hands.
Wash your face with your DIY cleanser or regular cleanser, then use the toner. Use a cotton ball or pad. Keep away from the eyes. 

Step 3: Moisturize
After the toner has dried, apply your regular moisturizer or treatment to your areas of concern. 

Tip: If you want to further experiment with all-natural skincare, we recommend products by Jade that are all-natural, wildcrafted, and organic. Or Shankara, which is also wildcrafted and organic. They use handpicked herbs, carefully selected oils, and Ayurvedic formulations that balance each individual skin type. Give our office a call for a complete list of products, or better still, make an appointment for a free skin consultation and recommendation to our world in organic products.

About the Author: Teri DeCoster